quinta-feira, janeiro 11, 2007

Artigos e réplicas de Jonathan Wells

Geralmente os detratores dos teóricos do Design Inteligente alardeiam na Internet os artigos em que eles pensam ter a palavra final sobre a questão, e que ficaram sem resposta. Ledo engano dos ‘meninos de Darwin’ lá daquele blog. Pena que os artigos estão em inglês, mas segue a lista abaixo para os leitores tirarem as conclusões.

Aqui neste blog, nós matamos a cobra e mostramos o pau!

Why Darwinism is Doomed By: Jonathan Wells, Ph.D.Worldnetdaily.comSeptember 27, 2006

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design By: Jonathan Wells Regnery (2006)August 21, 2006

Analysis of Kansas Definition of Science Compared to All Other State Science Definitions By: Jonathan Wells, Ph.D Discovery InstituteNovember 10, 2005

Give Me That Old Time Evolution: A Response to the New RepublicBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteOctober 12, 2005

Do Centrioles Generate a Polar Ejection Force? By: Jonathan Wells Rivista BiologiaJune 8, 2005

Not The Flat Earth Myth Again! By: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteMay 20, 2005

National Geographic Ignores The Flaws in Darwin's Theory By: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteNovember 8, 2004

Homology in Biology: Problem for Naturalistic Science and Prospect for Intelligent DesignBy: Paul A. Nelson & Jonathan Wells Darwinism, Design, and Public EducationDecember 1, 2003

Statement regarding the Texas State Board of Education hearings on biology textbooks by Dr. Jonathan Wells By: Jonathan Wells Texas State Board of EducationSeptember 10, 2003

Alan Gishlick and the NCSE: Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing New on the Icons of EvolutionBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteDecember 13, 2002

Report from Hillsdale College Symposium on ID By: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteNovember 18, 2002

Weird Science? A Darwinian Debate ContinuesBy: Jonathan Wells Christianity TodayNovember 11, 2002

Desperately Defending The Peppered Myth: A Response to Bruce GrantBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteOctober 2, 2002

The Peppered Myth: "Of Moths and Men" An evolutionary taleBy: Jonathan Wells Books & CultureSeptember 30, 2002

Catch-23 By: Jonathan Wells Research News & OpportunitiesJuly 1, 2002

Critics Rave Over Icons of Evolution: A Response to Published ReviewsBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteJune 12, 2002

Moth-eaten Statistics: A Reply to Kenneth R. MillerBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteApril 16, 2002

There You Go Again: A Response to Kenneth R. MillerBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteApril 9, 2002

Intelligent Design? A Special Report from Natural History MagazineBy: Michael Behe, Kenneth Miller, William Dembski, Robert Pennock, Jonathan Wells, Eugenie Scott Natural History MagazineApril 1, 2002

MUTANT SHRIMP? - A Correction By: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteFebruary 11, 2002

Inherit The Spin: Darwinists Answer “Ten Questions” with Evasions and FalsehoodsBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteJanuary 15, 2002

Critics Want More Facts, While Darwinists Push Their Faith By: Jonathan Wells Human EventsOctober 1, 2001

Evolution for the masses By: Jonathan Wells The Washington TimesSeptember 23, 2001

Response to Jerry Coyne’s Review of Icons of Evolution By: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteApril 26, 2001

On Open Minded Research: Response to CriticsBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteMarch 1, 2001

Should Students Be Taught the Truth about Evolution? Response to Larry MartinBy: Jonathan Wells World & IMarch 1, 2001

Second Thoughts about Peppered Moths: This classical story of evolution by natural selection needs revisingBy: Jonathan Wells Expanded from The Scientist 13, no. 11 (May 24, 1999)February 9, 2001

Survival of the Fakest By: Jonathan Wells American SpectatorJanuary 1, 2001

Let's change science standards and let students do real science By: Jonathan Wells Philadelphia InquirerDecember 11, 2000

Natural selection found in report on science education By: Jonathan Wells and Jay W. Richards The Washington TimesOctober 8, 2000

Icons of Evolution Science or Myth? Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrongBy: Jonathan Wells Regnery PublishingOctober 1, 2000

Lerner Report Whitewashes Bad Science: A Response to Lawrence S. Lerner's "Good Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States" (Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, September 26, 2000)By: Jonathan Wells and Jay W. Richards Discovery InstituteSeptember 26, 2000

An Evaluation of Ten Recent Biology Textbooks: A Report for the Center for the Renewal of Science and CultureBy: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteAugust 28, 2000

Do peppered moths, in the wild, often settle on tree trunks? An online exchange sponsored by Arthur S. LodgeBy: Jonathan Wells, Dave Thomas, Kim Johnson, Ian Musgrave Arthur S. Lodge January 1, 2000

All forms of science designed for discussion By: Jonathan Wells Topeka Capital-JournalNovember 22, 1999

Ridiculing Kansas school board easy, but it’s not good journalism By: Jonathan Wells The Daily Republic (Mitchell, SD)October 14, 1999

Haeckel's Embryos Setting the Record StraightBy: Jonathan Wells The American Biology TeacherMay 1, 1999

Abusing Theology: Howard Van Till's “Forgotten Doctrine of Creation's Functional Integrity”By: Jonathan Wells Origins & Design 19, no. 1June 1, 1998

Homology: A Concept in CrisisBy: Jonathan Wells, Paul Nelson Origins & Design 18, no. 2September 1, 1997

Evolution and intelligent design By: Jonathan Wells Discovery InstituteJune 1, 1997

Politically Dead Wrong Review of What is Darwinism? And Other Writings on Science and Religion by Charles Hodge, Edited and with an introduction by Mark A. Knoll & David N. Livingstone, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1994. 182 pp.By: Jonathan Wells Origins & Design 17, no. 2March 1, 1996

Darwinism and the Argument to Design By: Jonathan Wells Dialogue & Alliance 4, no. 4January 1, 1991