terça-feira, junho 29, 2021
Woese, uma voz do passado, conclamou uma nova biologia para um novo século - uma ciência mais fundamental
segunda-feira, junho 28, 2021
O mecanismo atômico da periodicidade biológica elimina a "teoria atual" da evolução
Interpretando a história da biologia evolutiva através de um prisma kuhniano: faz sentido ou não?
Perspectives on Science
Volume 29, Issue 1
January-February 2021
February 01 2021
Interpreting the History of Evolutionary Biology through a Kuhnian Prism: Sense or Nonsense?
Koen B. Tanghe, Lieven Pauwels, Alexis De Tiège, Johan Braeckman
Author and Article Information
Koen B. Tanghe
Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
Lieven Pauwels
Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
Alexis De Tiège
Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
Johan Braeckman
Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive review, as well as the editor Alex Levine.
Online Issn: 1530-9274
Print Issn: 1063-6145
© 2021 by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Perspectives on Science (2021) 29 (1): 1–35.
Traditionally, Thomas S. Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) is largely identified with his analysis of the structure of scientific revolutions. Here, we contribute to a minority tradition in the Kuhn literature by interpreting the history of evolutionary biology through the prism of the entire historical developmental model of sciences that he elaborates in The Structure. This research not only reveals a certain match between this model and the history of evolutionary biology but, more importantly, also sheds new light on several episodes in that history, and particularly on the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859), the construction of the modern evolutionary synthesis, the chronic discontent with it, and the latest expression of that discontent, called the extended evolutionary synthesis. Lastly, we also explain why this kind of analysis hasn’t been done before.
FREE PDF GRATIS: Perspectives on Science
quarta-feira, junho 23, 2021
Nova descoberta desafia princípio central em biologia: as células humanas podem escrever sequências de RNA no DNA
segunda-feira, junho 21, 2021
Cientistas descobrem uma nova característica que distingue os humanos modernos dos Neandertais
Espécies, especiação e paleontologia até a Síntese Moderna: temas persistentes e questões sem resposta
terça-feira, junho 15, 2021
Mais uma hipótese sobre a origem da vida: formação de ligações peptídicas mecanoquímicas
Source/Fonte: PhysOrg
sexta-feira, junho 11, 2021
A teoria da evolução de Darwin se transformando em teoria do Design Inteligente???
Simeon D. Castle, Claire S. Grierson & Thomas E. Gorochowski
Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 3326 (2021)
Biological technologies are fundamentally unlike any other because biology evolves. Bioengineering therefore requires novel design methodologies with evolution at their core. Knowledge about evolution is currently applied to the design of biosystems ad hoc. Unless we have an engineering theory of evolution, we will neither be able to meet evolution’s potential as an engineering tool, nor understand or limit its unintended consequences for our biological designs. Here, we propose the evotype as a helpful concept for engineering the evolutionary potential of biosystems, or other self-adaptive technologies, potentially beyond the realm of biology.
FREE PDF GRATIS: Nature Communications
quarta-feira, junho 09, 2021
Biologia funcional no seu contexto natural: mero acaso, fortuita necessidade ou design inteligente?
quinta-feira, junho 03, 2021
A árvore de Darwin se transforma em uma rede, com implicações para o Design Inteligente
sábado, maio 29, 2021
Processamento da informação em circuitos genéticos: mero acaso, fortuita necessidade ou design inteligente?
sexta-feira, maio 28, 2021
Como as células consertam membranas com vazamento: mero acaso, fortuita necessidade ou design inteligente?
segunda-feira, maio 24, 2021
A existência de não religiosos céticos da evolução darwinista ou proponentes do design inteligente
sexta-feira, maio 21, 2021
Especialista da Universidade Princeton afirma: as teorias de Darwin foram "distorcidas" por seu racismo e sexismo!
O neodarwinismo ainda ronda com frequência a teoria da evolução!!!
quinta-feira, maio 20, 2021
O design da natureza: a biologia da sobrevivência
MATEC Web Conf.
Life has existed on earth for at least 3.95 billion years. All along, the flame of life has been successfully passed on from generation to generation, and species to species across an immense temporal span. This includes at least five mass-extinction events that wiped out over 70% of all species in each such biotic crisis. Against such immense odds, life has learned to thrive despite repeat assaults. And the ingenuity embedded within natures designs has been an integral part of this inspiring story. For example, the ancient bacterial flagellum is powered by the Mot Complex which is part of a perfectly circular nanoscale rotary engine. It is obvious that nature came upon the wheel much before human arrival (i.e., at least as far back as 2.7 billion years). Many are the design lessons that may be gleaned from studying nature. This paper looks at the immense evolutionary design-laboratory that nature evolves its designs within, and frames it alongside an Axiomatic/Complex-Adaptive/Stigmergic Systems perspective.
Key words: Axiomatic Design / Biological Systems / Stigmergy; Emergence / Complex Adaptive System / Evolution
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
Licence Creative CommonsThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.