segunda-feira, fevereiro 22, 2021
Mais uma hipótese da origem da vida: a evolução darwinista começou antes da própria vida!
quarta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2021
Imagens de alta resolução do DNA surpreendentemente desconcertantes: mero acaso, fortuita necessidade ou design inteligente?
Base-pair resolution analysis of the effect of supercoiling on DNA flexibility and major groove recognition by triplex-forming oligonucleotides
Alice L. B. Pyne, Agnes Noy, Kavit H. S. Main, Victor Velasco-Berrelleza, Michael M. Piperakis, Lesley A. Mitchenall, Fiorella M. Cugliandolo, Joseph G. Beton, Clare E. M. Stevenson, Bart W. Hoogenboom, Andrew D. Bates, Anthony Maxwell & Sarah A. Harris
Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 1053 (2021)
In the cell, DNA is arranged into highly-organised and topologically-constrained (supercoiled) structures. It remains unclear how this supercoiling affects the detailed double-helical structure of DNA, largely because of limitations in spatial resolution of the available biophysical tools. Here, we overcome these limitations, by a combination of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, to resolve structures of negatively-supercoiled DNA minicircles at base-pair resolution. We observe that negative superhelical stress induces local variation in the canonical B-form DNA structure by introducing kinks and defects that affect global minicircle structure and flexibility. We probe how these local and global conformational changes affect DNA interactions through the binding of triplex-forming oligonucleotides to DNA minicircles. We show that the energetics of triplex formation is governed by a delicate balance between electrostatics and bonding interactions. Our results provide mechanistic insight into how DNA supercoiling can affect molecular recognition, that may have broader implications for DNA interactions with other molecular species.
FREE PDF GRATIS: Nature Communications Sup. Info. Peer Reviewer File
Michael Behe vindicado, mas não citado em artigo da Nature Heredity apoiando sua hipótese de Involução
segunda-feira, fevereiro 15, 2021
Forças motrizes nas origens da vida: mero acaso, fortuita necessidade ou design inteligente?
Driving forces in the origins of life
K. A. Dill and L. Agozzino
Published:03 February 2021
What were the physico-chemical forces that drove the origins of life? We discuss four major prebiotic ‘discoveries’: persistent sampling of chemical reaction space; sequence-encodable foldable catalysts; assembly of functional pathways; and encapsulation and heritability. We describe how a ‘proteins-first’ world gives plausible mechanisms. We note the importance of hydrophobic and polar compositions of matter in these advances.
sábado, fevereiro 13, 2021
A evolução de nosso planeta dinâmico: um bilhão de anos em 40 segundos!
quinta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2021
Origens da ancestralidade humana moderna: nem o registro genético ou fóssil até agora revelou um tempo e lugar definidos para a origem de nossa espécie.
quarta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2021
O dobramento incomum do DNA aumenta as taxas de mutações: isso pode mudar a forma como pensamos sobre a evolução.
Evolução dinâmica dos cromossomos Y do grande símio
terça-feira, fevereiro 02, 2021
Capturando o momento do surgimento do núcleo de cristal da desordem.
Takayuki Nakamuro, Masaya Sakakibara, Hiroki Nada, Koji Harano, and Eiichi Nakamura*
Cite this: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX
Publication Date:January 21, 2021
© 2021 American Chemical Society
Crystallization is the process of atoms or molecules forming an organized solid via nucleation and growth. Being intrinsically stochastic, the research at an atomistic level has been a huge experimental challenge. We report herein in situ detection of a crystal nucleus forming during nucleation/growth of a NaCl nanocrystal, as video recorded in the interior of a vibrating conical carbon nanotube at 20–40 ms frame–1 with localization precision of <0.1 nm. We saw NaCl units assembled to form a cluster fluctuating between featureless and semiordered states, which suddenly formed a crystal. Subsequent crystal growth at 298 K and shrinkage at 473 K took place also in a stochastic manner. Productive contributions of the graphitic surface and its mechanical vibration have been experimentally indicated.
A filogenômica revela discordância da árvore genética primordial na árvore da vida dos anfíbios
segunda-feira, fevereiro 01, 2021
O osso não precisa permanecer um elefante na sala de datação por radiocarbono!
Bone need not remain an elephant in the room for radiocarbon dating
Salvador Herrando-Pérez
Published:13 January 2021
Radiocarbon (14C) analysis of skeletal remains by accelerator mass spectrometry is an essential tool in multiple branches of science. However, bone 14C dating results can be inconsistent and not comparable due to disparate laboratory pretreatment protocols that remove contamination. And, pretreatments are rarely discussed or reported by end-users, making it an ‘elephant in the room’ for Quaternary scientists. Through a questionnaire survey, I quantified consensus on the reliability of collagen pretreatments for 14C dating across 132 experts (25 countries). I discovered that while more than 95% of the audience was wary of contamination and would avoid gelatinization alone (minimum pretreatment used by most 14C facilities), 52% asked laboratories to choose the pretreatment method for them, and 58% could not rank the reliability of at least one pretreatment. Ultrafiltration was highly popular, and purification by XAD resins seemed restricted to American researchers. Isolating and dating the amino acid hydroxyproline was perceived as the most reliable pretreatment, but is expensive, time-consuming and not widely available. Solid evidence supports that only molecular-level dating accommodates all known bone contaminants and guarantees complete removal of humic and fulvic acids and conservation substances, with three key areas of progress: (i) innovation and more funded research is required to develop affordable analytical chemistry that can handle low-mass samples of collagen amino acids, (ii) a certification agency overseeing dating-quality control is needed to enhance methodological reproducibility and dating accuracy among laboratories, and (iii) more cross-disciplinary work with better 14C reporting etiquette will promote the integration of 14C dating across disciplines. Those developments could conclude long-standing debates based on low-accuracy data used to build chronologies for animal domestications, human/megafauna extirpations and migrations, archaeology, palaeoecology, palaeontology and palaeoclimate models.
FREE PDF GRATIS: Royal Society Open Science