A teoria geral da evolução 200 anos após Darwin

quinta-feira, julho 02, 2009

In the Light of Evolution III:
Two Centuries of Darwin

Organized by John c. Avise and Francisco J. Ayala
January 15-17, 2009
Irvine, CA

I. Natural Selection: Adaptation to Nature
Introduction John C. Avise (University of California, Irvine)

Selection in Action During Speciation, Sara Via (University of Maryland)

Adaptive Radiations, Scott Hodges (UC Santa Barbara)

The corresponding evolutionary histories of euglenozoans and dinoflagellates: cascades of convergent evolution or accumulation of oddities?, Julius Lukes (Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice)

The Genetics of Ecological Speciation - it is Different?, Dolph Schluter (University of British Columbia)

II. Artificial Selection: Adaptation to Human Demands

Chair, Dolph Schluter (University of British Columbia)

The Genetic Architecture of an Adaptive Trait: Maize Flowering Time, Ed Buckler (Cornell University)

From Wild Animals to Domestic Pets, Stephen O’Brien (National Cancer Institute)

Unnatural Selection: Human-induced Evolution in Wild Animals, Fred Allendorf (University of Montana)

Pathways of adaptive protein evolution: lessons from directed evolution, Frances Arnold (California Institute of Technology)

Keynote Lecture
Introduction, Francisco J. Ayala (University of California, Irvine)

Beyond Biology: Darwin's Revolution and Society, Daniel C. Dennett (Tufts University)
This lecture is not available until after Jan 1, 2010.

III. Sexual Selection: Adaptation to Mating Demands
Chair, Julius Lukes (Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic)

Mate Choice and Sexual Selection: What Have We Learned Since Darwin?, Adam Jones (Texas A&M)

It's About Time: Reproductive Decisions Under Ecological Constraints, Patty Gowaty (University of California, Los Angeles)

Sexual Selection and Mating Systems, Stephen Shuster (Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff)

Missing Pieces of Darwin’s Puzzle, William Eberhard (STRI Costa Rica)

Session IV: The Darwinian Legacy: 150 Years Later
Chair John C. Avise (University of California, Irvine)

Darwin and the Scientific Method, Francisco J. Ayala (University of California, Irvine)

The Darwinian Revolution, Michael Ruse (Florida State University)

The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, Elliott Sober (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Darwin’s Place in the History of Science, Robert Richards (University of Chicago)

Concluding Remarks, John C. Avise (University of California, Irvine)


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